Thursday, February 4, 2010

A salute to El-P and Def Jux

It came to my attention that the indie hip hop label Def Jux are taking a hiatus. This truly marks the end of an era. Definitive Jux were responsible for changing the course of underground hip hop. They had their own style, sound, aesthetic, (doom-boom-bap), with artists like Aesop Rock, Cannibal Ox, RJD2, Mr Lif, Cage, founder El-P and many oter Jukies.
El-P bought a sci fi flavour to beat making and subject matter, presenting a grim Orwellian audio world.
Progressive and revolutionary, El-P and his def Jux cohorts are responsible for carrying the legacy of hip hop forward and beyond with their own dialect and gospel.
I salute!

You can read a statement by El-P explaining his decision of change here:


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